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您的当前位置:深圳市赛美科科技有限公司 > 元器件产品
TE Connectivity has developed the AMP SUPERSEAL 1.5SUPERSEALconnector family to meet the increasing requirements for reliability in waterproof applications. The AMP SUPERSEAL exceeds the requirements prescribed by IP67 according IEC 60529 and DIN 40050-9 standards.
TE Connectivity has developed the AMP SUPERSEAL 1.5 series connector family to meet the increasing requirements for reliability in waterproof applications. The AMP SUPERSEAL exceeds the requirements prescribed by IP67 according IEC 60529 and DIN 40050-9 standards.TE Connectivity has developed the AMP SUPERSEAL 1.5 series connector family to meet the increasing requirements for reliability in waterproof applications. The AMP SUPERSEAL exceeds the requirements prescribed by IP67 according IEC 60529 and DIN 40050-9 standards.TE Connectivity has developed the AMP SUPERSEAL 1.5 series connector family to meet the increasing requirements for reliability in waterproof applications. The AMP SUPERSEAL exceeds the requirements prescribed by IP67 according IEC 60529 and DIN 40050-9 standards.